Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pimm's and fava beans

With borage in full leaf, Pimm's season can now commence (though one can cheat and start drinking Pimm's Cup before the borage is out...). Very refreshing during this muggy weekend. Saturday did some much overdue deadheading and planted some larkspur seedlings. On Sunday weeded cutting flower bed and finished mulching some of the bare spots; installed some plant supports; nearly passed out from the heat and humidity. Greg seeded some late crops (collards, etc.). Greg thought the favas were ready to harvest, but after having resolved to harvest and build a meal around them (and some escararole), there weren't really as many mature pods as initially thought. We forged ahead and supplemented the favas with peas. All turned out well and we had a delicious meal. Lettuce heads are fully formed and cut and come again is beginning to bolt -- hard to keep up with some crops!

Here's a limited slideshow.

Phototaking is something I'm also behind on. What photos are missing? The red Shakespeare roses in full bloom complemented by the lavender. The pink Geoff Hamilton roses in full bloom complemented by the Siberian iris (and the delicate cloud of blue creeping veronica flowers that preceded them). Brilliant blue delphinium bouquets. The vegetables' progress.

Zinnias, sweet peas, cosmos and larkspurs starting to bloom. Not enough for big bouquets yet though.

More on Pimm's.

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